About us
Numbers, data, facts
The Sonnenhalde
Over 30 years of experience in elderly care
Servicehaus Sonnenhalde was founded in 1989 in the Sonnenhalde in Engstingen. Since then, we have gained a lot of experience in elderly care and have developed our own concept for working with elderly and old people.
The focus is on people - customers and employees
People are at the centre of our work, whether they are our customers or our employees: we only do good work if you are satisfied with us. For this reason, we attach great importance to the further qualification and satisfaction of our almost 850 employees.
Neun Standorte zwischen Stuttgart und Bodensee bis nach Bayern
Derzeit arbeiten wir an neun Sonnenhalde-Standorten zwischen Stuttgart und dem Bodensee bis nach Bayern – und wir wachsen weiter. Aktuell bauen und planen wir in Baden-Württemberg, Bayern und Hessen mehrere Häuser. Vom Alters- und Pflegeheim in Engstingen bis zur betreuten Wohnanlage bieten wir unseren jährlich weit über 1050 Kundinnen und Kunden in unseren Häusern ein breites Angebot.
Our offers - as individual as your needs
We offer you a wide range of services: A menu service, home care, day care, short-term care or accommodation in one of our nursing homes.